ArtsPool was incubated by the Alliance of Resident Theatres/New York (A.R.T./New York) and the framework for the company was proposed in Collective Insourcing: A Systemic Approach to Arts Management (2011), a concept paper written by Guy Yarden and Sarah Maxfield. With support from the Rockefeller Foundation and The New York Community Trust, ArtsPool’s business plan was completed in August 2013. Since then, with support from The Scherman Foundation, Doris Duke Charitable Foundation, Altman Foundation, Fidelity Foundation, Booth Ferris Foundation, Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Howard Gilman Foundation, Mertz Gilmore Foundation, McGue Millhiser Trust, PDT Partners, along with renewed support from The New York Community Trust, ArtsPool’s structure and services have been built out and in December 2014, we launched as an independent company and began offering services.

ArtsPool was founded by Max Dana, Sarah Maxfield, David Sheingold, and Guy Yarden.